
Book Chapters

“Church, State, and Masonry: Claude Fauchet (1744-1793),” in The Catholic Enlightenment: A Global Anthology. Edited by Ulrich Lehner and Shawn Blanchard. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2021.

“Les Évêques constitutionnels face à l'orthodoxie et au protestantisme l’époque du Directoire,” Chrétiens et Sociétés, Documents et Mémoires 31 (Lyon : LARHA, 2017).

"Christianity," in The Religious World, 3rd Edition. Edited by Richard C. Bush. New York: Macmillan, 1993.

"New American Religions," in The Religious World, 3rd Edition. Edited by Richard C. Bush. New York: Macmillan, 1993.

"World War I and the Varieties of French Religious Experience," in The Divided Self. Edited by Donald Capps. Lafayette: Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1995. 

Review Articles

Une Secte janséniste convulsionnaire sous la Révolution française. Les Fareinistes (1783-1805), by Serge Maury. H-France (Society for French Historical Studies), 2019.

The Roman Catholic Church between Catastrophe and Triumph: Religious Renewal in France, 1789-1870, by Roger Price.  H-France (Society for French Historical Studies), 2018.

Romantic Catholics: France’s  Postrevolutionary Generation in Search of a Modern Faith, by Carol E.  Harrison,  H-France (Society for French Historical Studies), 2014.

Matériaux Pour L'Histoire Religieuse Du Peuple Français, XIX-XX Siècles, by Fernand Boulard and Bernard Delpal, H-France (Society for French Historical Studies), 2011.

Politics and Religion in France and the United States, ed. by Alec. G. Hargreaves, John Kelsay, and Sumner B. Twiss, H-France (Society for French Historical Studies), 2010.

Laïcat catholique et société française. Les Comités catholiques (1870-1905), by Daniel Moulinet and La Résignation dans la culture catholique en france (1870-1945), by Jean François Galinier-Pallerola, The Catholic Historical Review 96 (2010): 349-353.

L'église constitutionnelle, Napoléon et le Concordat de 1801 and L' Abbé Grégoire et L'église constitutionnelle après la Terreur 1794-1797, by Rodney J. Dean, H-France (Society for French Historical Studies), 2009.

Jazz Age Catholicism: Mystic Modernism in Postwar Paris, 1919-1933, by Stephen Schloesser, H-France (Society for  French Historical Studies), 2006. 

Histoire des Curés, ed. by Nicole Lemaitre, H-France (Society for French Historical Studies), 2003.

Festivals and the French Revolution, by Mona Ozouf, History and Theory 28 (1989): 112-124.


"Three Ways of Imagining Sacrality: Promoting, Regulating and Rejecting the French Revolutionary Festivals, Imaginer la théologie catholique" [Essays in Honor of Dom Ghislain Lafont], ed. Jeremy Driscoll (Rome, 2000).

"The Relationship of Religious Practice to Linguistic Culture: Language, Religion, and Education in Alsace and the Roussillon, 1860-1890," Church History 67 (1999): 598-626

"Priests and Instituteurs in the Union Sacrée: Reconciliation and its Limits," French Historical Studies 22 (1999) 263-289

"Reconciliation of Cultures in the Third Republic": Emile Mâle (1892-1954), The Catholic Historical Review 83 (1997): 401-427

"Celebration of the Revolutionary Festivals under the Directory: A Failure of Sacrality," Church History 63 (1994): 201-220

"Historical Interpretation of Augustine: The Promise of James, Allport and Capps," The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 4 (1994): 229-233

"Chateaubriand and Destutt de Tracy: Defining Religious and Secular Polarities in France at the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century," Church History 60 (1991): 316-330

"Local Religion and National Consciousness: the Case of Modern France," Religious Studies Review 16 (1990): 309-313. On Judith Devlin, The Superstitious Mind: French Peasants and the Supernatural in the Nineteenth Century (Yale University Press, 1987); and Gérard Cholvy and Yves-Marie Hilaire. Histoire religieuse de la France contemporaine, 3 vols. (Privat, 1985-1988)

"Explaining the Mary Cult: A Hypothesis and its Problems," Journal of Religion 68 (1988), pp. 277-285. On Michael P. Carroll, The Cult of the Virgin Mary: Psychological Origins (Princeton University Press, 1986)

 Press and Journal Reader/Reviewer 2015-2018

  • Harvard University Press

  • McGill University Press

  • Oklahoma University Press

  • Journal for French Historical Studies