Reviews of:

Confiscating the Common Good: Small Towns and Religious Politics in the French Revolution, by Edward J. Woell, The Catholic Historical Review 109 (2023): 210-212.

Sacred Sounds, Secular Spaces: Transforming Catholicism through the Music of the Third Republic Paris, by Jennifer Walker, The Catholic Historical Review 109 (2023). 

The Great Demarcation: The French Revolution and the Invention of Modern Property, by Rafe Blaufarb, French History 31 (2017): 115-117.

The Gospel According to Renan: Reading, Writing and Religion in Nineteenth-Century France, by Robert D. Priest, The Catholic Historical Review 102 (2016): 851-852.

L’Obscurantisme et les Lumières : Itinéraire de l’abbé Grégoire évêque révolutionnaire, by Paul Chopelin and Caroline Chopelin-Blanc, in Chrétiens et Sociétés 20 (2015): 317-319.

Passionate Minds: The Great Love Affair of the Enlightenment, Featuring the Scientist Émilie du Châtelet, the Poet Voltaire...and the Birth of the Modern World, by David Bodanis, Phi Kappa Phi Forum 87, no. 4 (2008): 28.

Les Voix de Dieu. Le Clergé catholique français et le vote, by Yves Déloye, American Historical Review 112   (2007), 1268-1269.

Mgr Fr. J Him (1751-1819) premier évêque concordataire du Diocèse de Tournai (1802-1819), by Albert Milet, The Catholic Historical Review 93 (2007): 678-679.

Caritas: Un siécle de charité organisée en Alsace, by Catherine Maurer, The Catholic Historical Review 93, (2007): 191-192.

Correspondance: Répertoire, tome 1: 1816-1839, Henri-Dominique Lacordaire, The Catholic Historical Review 89 (2003): 308-310.

Religion and Revolution in France, 1780-1804, by Nigel Aston, Church History 71 (2002).

The Idea of France, by Pierre Birnbaum, Catholic Historical Review 88 (2002): 372-374.

France and the Cult of the Sacred Heart: An Epic Tale for Modern Times, by Raymond Jonas, Church History 70 (2001): 576-578.

Memory and Modernity: Viollet-le-Duc at Vézeley, by Kevin Murphy, The Catholic Historical Review 87 (2001): 111-112.

Le Silence des moines: Les Trappistes au XIXe siécle, France-Algérie-Syrie, by Bernard Delpal, The Catholic Historical Review 85 (1999): 310-312.

Religion, Politics and Preferment in France since 1890: La Belle Époque and its Legacy, by Maurice Larkin, Church History 66 (1997): 417-418.

Saint-Benoît-sur Loire: La Renaissance de l'Abbay de Fleury, 1850-1994, by Alphonse de Saint Vincent, O.S.B., The Catholic Historical Review 82 (1996): 266-268.

Submitting to Freedom: The Religious Vision of William James, by Ramsey Bennet, The Journal of Religion 75 (1995).

The End of an Elite: The French Bishops and the Coming of the Revolution, 1786-1790, by Nigel Aston, Church History 64 (1995): 495-496.

La Religion des pauvres: Les sources du Christianisme moderne, XVI e -XIX e siècles by Louis Châtellier, The Catholic Historical Review 33 (1994): 598-599.

Reclaiming the Sacred: Lay Religion and Popular Politics in Revolutionary France, by Suzanne Desan, Church History 63 (1994): 598-599.

Psychology of Religion: Classic and Contemporary Views, by David Wulff, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 32 (1993): 199-200.

Maistre Studies, translated and edited by Richard Lebrun, Church History 60 (1991): 567-568.

The Psychology of Religious Knowing, by Frazer Watts and Mark Williams, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 29 (1990): 278-279.

Guilt and Desire, Religious Attitudes and Their Pathological Derivatives, by Antoine Vergote, Journal of Religion 69 (1989): 588-589.

Madame Louise, Princesse au Carmel, 1737-1787, by Bernard Hours, Church History 58 (1989): 399-400.

Les Prétres, les fidèles et l'état: Le Ménage à trois du xix siècle by Jacque Lafon Church History 57 (1988): 553-554.

An Introduction to the Psychology of Religion, by Robert W. Crapps, Journal of Religion 68 (1988): 619-620.

Psychology and Religion: Eight Points of View, by Andrew Reid Fuller, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 26 (1987): 418-420.

Glossolalia: Behavioral Science Perspectives on Speaking in Tongues, by H. Newton Malony and A. Adams Lovekin, Journal of Religion 67 (1987): 414-416.

Jung and Christianity: The Challenge of Reconciliation by Wallace B. Cliff, Journal of Religion 66 (1986): 355-356.

Papers Presented

“The Missel du Miracle de la Marne: History, Theology, and Meaning.”  Paper read before the Society for French Historical Studies, Indianapolis, IN, 2019.

"Situating the War Mysticism of Teilhard de Chardin: Tillich and Studdert Kennedy." Paper read before the Society for French Historical Studies, Pittsburgh, PA, 2018.

“The Moral and Dogmatic Components of Anti-German Clerical Propaganda.”  Paper read before the Society for French Historical Studies, Montréal, Canada, 2014.

“Henri Reymond as Old-Regime Reformer, Constitutional Bishop, and Concordatory Bishops: Priestly Priorities and Continuities.” Paper read before the Society for French Historical Studies, Boston, MA, April 2013.

"Medievalists and Medievalismists: Émile Mâle and his Readers," Paper read before the Societé Internationale des Médiévistes, École nationale des chartes, Paris, France, 2007.

"The Afterlife of the Constitutional Church: Annales de la religion after the Concordat." Paper read before the Society for French Historical Studies, Houston, TX, 2007

"Redeeming the Constitutional Church: Bishop Claude Le Coz." Paper read before the Society for French Historical Studies, Urbana-Champaign, IL, 2006.

"An Early Deist Text of the Abbé Sieyès: Sur Dieu ultramétre." Paper read before the Western Society for French History, Colorado Springs, CO, 2005.

"Priests of the Terror: Jacques Roux and Joseph Lebon." Paper read before the Western Society for French History, Lubbock, TX, 2004.

"Constitutional Bishops of the Convention: Accommodating or Promoting Revolution." Paper read before the Society for French Historical Studies, Chapel Hill, NC, 2001.

"Retracting the Oath to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy: Guilt and Justification." Paper read before the Western Society for French History, Los Angeles, CA, 2000.

"Revolutionary Priests: the Curé-poseurs of La Feuille Villageoise." Paper read before the Society for French Historical Studies, Tempe AZ, 2000.

"Dilemmas of the Constitutional Clergy: The Abdicataires of 1793-1794." Paper read before the Western Society for French History, Asilomar, CA, 1999.

"Priests and Instituteurs in the Union Sacrée: Antagonism or Reconciliation?" Paper read before the Western Society for French Historical Sutides, Lexington, KY, 1997.

"The Influence of Language on Religious Practice: Alsace and Roussillon, 1860-1890." Paper read before the Western Society for French History, Las Vegas, NV, 1995.

"Reconciliation of Cultures in the Third Republic: Emile Mâle." Paper read before the Western Society for French History, Des Moines, IA, 1994.

"Notre-Dame de Chartres et Notre-Dame de Lourdes: La réconciliation des symboles." Paper read before the Conférences Méditerranéennes, Pau, France, 1994.

"The Attack on Sunday: Fatal Flaw of the French Revolutionary Government." Paper read before the History of Christianity Section, American Academy of Religion, San Francisco, CA, 1992

"The Religious Failure of the Revolutionary Festivals." Paper read before the Western Society for French History, Reno, NV, 1991.

"New Evidence on the French Revolutionary Festivals." Paper read before the History of Christianity Section, American Academy of Religion, New Orleans, LA, 1990.

"Chateaubriand and Destutt de Tracy: the Comparison that Defines a Medievalism." Paper read before the Conference on Medievalism, Newberry Library, Chicago, IL, 1988.

"Psychological Pluralism and Analysis of the Mary Cult," Paper and discussion, Division 36 Hospitality Suite, American Psychological Association, New York, 1987.

"Mystical Vision and Personality Centering: The Case of Marguerite-Marie Alacoque." Paper read before the Religion and Social Science section, American Academy of Religion, New York, 1982.

"Jean Leclercg and Psychohistorical Method." Paper read before the History of Christianity section, American Academy of Religion. Dallas, TX, 1980.